The run leader team is growing

This club is all about feeling good and enjoying running as part of a group. It is therefore lovely to hear how much our members are valuing it! We are really getting a feel that people want to contribute their time and skills to keep this good thing going. Be that by just turning up for our regular club runs, joining in the chats on our Facebook group, coming along to committee meetings or even joining the committee as official officers. The support from all in the club is fantastic and we wouldn’t be anything without it.

In line with that sense of contribution towards continued success, we think it is fantastic that we as a club have been able to support this by funding the training for those wanting to become run leaders for Broseley Joggers. So from having been only two run leaders for some time, we have now become four as Pete Welch and Bob Schofield have now completed their run leader training! And four will soon become five as Emma-Jayne Rowson is booked on to do her course later this spring. On top of this we are planning to support Will Brown to become a run leader as soon as funds are available.

As a club, we don’t charge a membership fee which means we rely on voluntary contributions, any profit we might get from organising events and of course from grants we’ve applied for. The amazing number of run leaders that we have been able to support this year would not have been possible if it was not for the grant we received from STAR Housing earlier last year!

If you too would like to become a run leader, then please have a chat with one of the run leaders or committee members to find out more about what the role entails. It is the clubs intention to support the training of at least one run leader per year, so even if you might have missed out this year there should be another opportunity around the corner if all goes to plan.

by Johanna Persson