Halfway there!

Can you believe it! Time really does fly when you are having fun! It’s been fantastic to see the commitment and enjoyment of the Couch to 5K group. From first thinking that it would be impossible to run for 2 minutes to now being able to continuously run for 9 minutes! We are not only managing the time on our feet but we are even covering so much distance that we are almost running out of road sometimes.

Now we are halfway through the 10 week programme! Absolutely amazing achievement from each and everyone! Some have had to pull out but hopefully the sessions they did attend will help spur them on to pick it back up another time. Others have stuck with it and have made impressive progress!

With only five more weeks to go, this is a good time to think about what to do next! Firstly, we hope you have all earmarked Saturday 18 November for the celebratory participation at Telford Parkrun! Secondly, remember that just because the C25K is coming to an end, there is no reason that your running with us should need to end as well. The regular running group meets the same days and times as the C25K has been meeting so when you have completed this programme then you are more then well prepared to join us for our regular sessions. We tailor the sessions to accommodate ALL abilities! So keep the Tuesday and Thursday evenings as your running nights and join us as we bring colour and light to our streets!

by Johanna Persson