London Marathon Updates :-

Broseley Joggers is a proud member of England Athletics and as such the club is eligible to apply for place’s for London Marathon, these places are allocated to the club based on how many Affiliated Members the club has registered at the cut off date. Currently the ruling from TSC London is as follows:..
London Marathon places for affiliated clubs
Following a detailed review of the use of club entries allocated in recent years, TCS London Marathon are introducing a new ratio of places per member for affiliated running clubs. The number of entries allocated to a club is based on the number of first-claim members aged 18 or over at the club who are registered with England Athletics (or other Home Country) as of Tuesday 25 July 2023.
They report that in 2023, only 69 per cent (1,350) of the 1,980 entries allocated to clubs were used and for the 2024 event the total number of entries allocated to clubs is being reduced to 1,515.
For the 2024 TCS London Marathon, the club guaranteed entries will be allocated as follows:
Clubs with fewer than 10 first-claim members no longer qualify for a guaranteed entry.
Clubs with between 10-39 affiliated members will be placed in a ballot where at least half of the clubs will be allocated one entry each.
Clubs with between 40-189 members will be allocated one guaranteed entry each.
Clubs with more than 190 members will be allocated two guaranteed entries each.
Clubs do not need to do anything until the end of November when TCS London Marathon will email all affilliated clubs with either their allocation of places, or for clubs with 10-39 affiliated members, their ballot result. Registration will then open and should be completed by 16:00 on Thursday 25 January.
As Broseley Joggers currently have 32 registered members with England Athletics, we will be placed into the ballot to possibly get one place.