Welcome to our new committee!
So last night was Broseley Joggers AGM and we say goodbye to the following committee members:
Chair: Claire Eccles
Run leader rep: David Warrington
Social secretary: Jacqueline Cox
Membership officer: Vicky Griffiths
Ordinary officer: Will Brown
Ordinary officer: Kath Dunstan
Ordinary officer: Neil Lumsden
Ordinary officer: Rosalind Derici
We would like to thank them for their amazing work to make Broseley Joggers a club to be proud of.
The new committee have a hard job to live up to.
New committee is:
Chair: Rachel Smith
Vice chair: Steven Lewis
Secretary: Su Tench
Treasurer: Pete Welch
Run leader representative: Emma-Jayne Rowson
Membership officer: Laura Heath
Social secretary: Lindsay Anson
Ordinary officer: Phil Chilver
Ordinary officer: Martin Green
Ordinary officer: Laura Littlewood
We are all excited to be part of the committee and to support the continued development of this club!
/The committee.