Thank you for kind donations and grants!

Broseley Joggers is a real grass root organisation that doesn’t charge any membership fees. The club does therefore rely on the kind donations and voluntary contributions of its members and others in the local community. We are fortunate to have a fantastic group of members who are actively taking part and who support each other on our regular running sessions. The committee members and run leaders over the years  have been amazing in keeping the spirit of the group going and making sure we all are able to enjoy this lovely local group.

The committee wish to extend its gratitude to the members who have given contributions over these last few months – be that in the form of money, high-viz vests, whistles or in time by supporting our sessions! It is all very much appreciated and helps to keep the club going. The money received from our members has allowed us to pay for the training of our current run leaders.

As a club, we are keen to support our local community and are therefore planning to arrange a Christmas Fun Run for children and families. This is something we are really excited about and has proven very popular in previous years when the club has organised it. We hope to see many of you there to either take part with your children or to help us marshal the event! To help us fund the event we’ve been making applications for grants and donations to pay for equipment needed and goody bags etc. Our local Spar in Broseley has kindly given us a donation of £100 which we can use in their store (you can find out more about Spar and A. F. Blakemore by looking them up on their website or follow them on Twitter @AFBCommunity)! Our plan is to use this towards the goody bags for the Christmas Fun Run.

As you know, the club has also submitted applications for grants and donations in other places such as the Aviva Community Fund competition and Broseley Town Council etc. The aim with these applications is to give us the funds to keep investing in the development of the club by training up more run leaders and organising events for the club members as well as the local community.

So thank you to all for helping us make this club what it is! We rely on and appreciate your support!

by Johanna Persson