Website Privacy Policy
Broseley Joggers respects the needs of its users and members. Maintaining user privacy is important to us. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please feel free contact us at
By using you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.
Information We Collect
The information Broseley Joggers collects from its users allows us to make contact with our users to answer any queries about the club.
The information we gather includes:
- Information you give us: submissions through our contact form and other voluntary processes.
- Browsing Information: we sometimes receive and store information each time a user interacts with our website. This is generally gathered through the use of a “cookie“, which is a small alphanumeric text file sent from our website and stored on your computer. This cookie is ‘GDPR friendly’ – it does not contain any identifiable information, it is not used or passed to any third party services, and isn’t used for remarketing or ad targeting. You can turn off this cookie by enabling “Do Not Track” in your browser settings.
The information that Broseley Joggers collects remains private until it is deleted and will not at any point be sent, sold or otherwise traded to third party companies.
Preventing Information Collection
You can stop Broseley Joggers from collecting information from you by telling your browser software not to allow to create a cookie or allow tracking. This will not prevent you from using the website or impact upon your browsing in any way.
Broseley Joggers may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, at its sole discretion.