GDPR Policy
Broseley Joggers hold the personal data which you have shared with the club via your membership form. This data consists of:
- First and last name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Telephone number
- Email address
- Any illness or disability, and treatment divulged
- Name and telephone number of emergency contact
Your name, address, date of birth, email address, phone number will also be shared with England Athletics.
How long will Broseley Joggers retain your data?
Your personal data will be kept from receipt until the 31 April the following year (e.g. if you submit your membership form on 1 st April 2024 then it will be disposed of by the 31 April 2025, or if you submit it on 01 January 2025 then it will be disposed of by 31 April 2026 – i.e. the following year).
The exception to this rule is that Broseley Joggers will retain your first and last name longer than only one year. Please see below for exceptions.
If you wish for your personal data to be removed earlier then you can request this by emailing outlining your request. You will receive an email confirming once your request has been acted upon and your data has been safely removed.
Exceptions in relation to some personal data that will be kept longer
Broseley Joggers will retain your first and last name on the membership list(s) that you were registered on as well as on any attendance sheets ongoing. All other personal data such as date of birth, contact details, health notes and emergency contact details will be removed from the records.
How will my personal data be used?
Broseley Joggers will use your personal information to help support you in the club runs. In case of an emergency relating to you, they will use the details you have shared to contact the named emergency contact.
Broseley Joggers may, on occasion, contact you via email to share information or updates. If you do not wish to receive emails or contact through other methods, then please email to outline your request. You will receive an email to confirm that your request has been received and accepted.
Broseley Joggers will also draw on your personal data to inform their anonymised membership statistics.
How is my information kept or stored?
Broseley Joggers primarily maintain electronic records and these are all password protected if any of your personal data is on them. The electronic copies are kept in a folder on Dropbox to which only the current run leaders and committee members are granted access to. The documents which contains your full membership data (Name, DOB, contact details, health issues, emergency contact) have a separate password which only the run leaders and relevant committee members have access to.
The Membership Officer keeps a printed copy of some membership details. This is stored securely in a locked box accessed only by the Membership Officer and the Secretary.