1) Safety on Runs

No headphones (so you can hear directions and warnings).  Bone conductors will be allowed.

No dogs (as some members may be afraid of them!)

Each member should be responsible for their own health and safety. If you have any medical details you feel the run leader should be aware of, please ensure you speak with them prior to leaving the car park at the start of a run. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

The routes and plans for the sessions are shared at the start of each session so please make sure you arrive in time for this information

Club sessions commence at 6.30pm on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. Please arrive promptly so as not to delay the group.

Winter: layered clothes, head torch, high vis, stay hydrated even when it’s cold; consider carrying a hat and gloves in cold conditions. You may not need them when running but if you stop you will soon become cold!

Summer: make sure you are hydrated before going out for a run in the summer even when the sun is not shining; take adequate drinks with you on your run; it is advisable to apply sunscreen prior to your run.

2) Membership

There is a membership fee of £15. The running of the club relies on this support to pay England Athletic Registration fees, train run leaders and to continue to function as a running club.

Members to please run in club colours at organized runs/ races. This solidifies team spirit and support, whilst promoting the club at events.

The club welcomes guest runners but it is expected that they will apply to join if wishing to attend on a regular basis. It is up to the guest runner to alert the run leader of any potential problems with their health.

Juniors between the age of 16 and 18 may become members but must be accompanied by an adult member until they reach the age of 18. They shall not be entitled to vote at the AGM.

All members will comply with the constitution of the club and this is available to view online.

Broseley Joggers can run with other clubs without prejudice, but the assumption is the main attendance is at Joggers.

3) Conduct and Respect

Encourage and support each other; respect the club and respect each other; uphold the good name of the club at all times.

Respect the run leader and please follow their guidance. They are there as a volunteer to support you (they are giving up their free time and their own run!).

Run single file if you have to, if looping back then faster runners should run towards the traffic leaving the slower runner on the footpath. If there is enough space, keep to the left, above all use common sense – don’t step in front of traffic! Give slower runners right of way.

Please give a smile and a thank you to anyone who stops or moves out of the way – we want to keep our friendly reputation! Give priority to people already on the footpath.

As a mixed ability group looping back is an essential part of club runs, this ensures the safety of all of our runners. Please listen to the guidance of the run leader and, if possible, run further behind the last runner rather than just up to them.

Never leave a group member behind, no matter what. Support and encourage as much as possible.

Any misconduct will be taken seriously, this includes club socials, social media, and when you’re out running at other running events. As a Broseley Jogger, particular at organised events or when wearing the kit, you are a representative of the club.

As this club is based on volunteers, we rely on the support from everyone who can help out when setting up events. Therefore we hope to see you supporting the club if we are for example organising fun runs etc.

4) Run Leaders and Committee Members

Run Leaders (RL) and Committee members (CM) hold positions of responsibility, and will strive to be approachable, transparent, fair, and professional.

If anyone approaches a RL or CM for support or to raise an issue, this will be dealt with appropriately and confidentially where necessary.

RL and CM will have a positive approach and welcome runners of all abilities, they will aim to make members and visitors feel included and supported.