Information for the Xmas Eve Fun Run volunteers

Thank you everyone who have offered to help out on the day of the Fun Run so far! It is much appreciated – we couldn’t do it without you! As the day is quickly approaching we hope to see some more people offer to lend a helping hand to make sure the children have a great time!

We invite all volunteers to join us for a briefing at 10.15am so we can confirm who will do what before the children and their families start arriving. If for some reason you can’t make it until later then that’s fine. Just liaise with one of the committee members so we know and can make sure you have the relevant information as you arrive later on. You can find the full timings for the day below.

The roles will, in general, be to help out around the route as marshals or in the cafe by serving and selling cakes and drinks. We will be plotting out who will do what so we can share that plan later on. If you would like to change role or position then that’s fine – just let us know. We’ll also share the details of route nearer to the time.

Timings of the day:



Committee members meet to set up the route and café etc.




Volunteers arrive for briefing about their roles and positions





Registration and on the day entries’ open
café opens
festive music starts





Participants are gathered by the start for 5minutes warm up exercise
Photo-shoot of the line-up of starters
Marshals assume their positions on the route




Fun Run Start!


11.30am? onwards


Goody bags and medal handouts at finishing line




Prize ceremony for spot prizes




Raffle draw and raffle prize giving


12noon? onwards


dissemble the route and tidy up, clean and lock up facilities



by Johanna Persson